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Exhibitions & Conferences

Title Publication Year Download

"قمة جيتكس أفريقيا الرقمية" بمدينة مراكش – المملكة المغربية يهديكم اتحاد غرف التجارة والصناعة بدولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة أطيب تحياته ،،،


تأجيل موعد انعقاد "منتدى االستثمار العربي في موزمبيق" إلى حين إشعار آخر


مؤتمر ومعرض دولي عن التجارة واالستثمار في نيجيريا" بوالية الغوس – جمهورية نيجيريا


فرص التعاون مع LLC Group Family المتخصصة في تسويق منتجات الفراولة لدى أرمينيا


فرص التعاون مع شركة برازيلية متخصصة بمجال خدمات الطاقة


فرص التعاون مع شركة Interdiligence المتخصصة بمجال تحليل التنافسية والمخاطر لدى دولة رومانيا


الفعاليات االقتصادية الخليجية – اآلسيوية المشتركة، بمدينة الرياض– المملكة العربية السعودية


"الدورة )9( للقمة االقتصادية العالمية للتكنولوجيا المالية" بمدينة مومباي - دولة الهند ،


المعرض الدولي العام "بريشتينا 2024" - كوسوفو


معرض السياحة والسفر" – جمهورية قبرص


الفعاليات المزمع عقدها خلال عام 2024 لدى جمهورية أذربيجان


الدورة الــ(2) لمؤتمر غُمان للتجارة الإلكترونية – سلطنة عُمان


كتاب من الهيئة المصرية العامة للمعارض


Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry e.V


الشهادات المهنية في إدارة الوثائق واألرشيف في جامعة السوربون - أبوظبي


المؤتمر الاقتصادي العربي الأفريقي – المملكة المغربية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Arab-African Economic Conference - Kingdom of Morocco Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose to you the email received from the Federation of Emirates Chambers, which includes an invitation to participate in the “Arab-African Economic Conference: Sustainable Strategic Investments and Partnerships,” scheduled to be held on 12/19-20/2023 in the Dakhla region - the Kingdom of Morocco. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

لقاء المستثمرين العالميين 2024" بمدينة تشيناي، تاميل نادو – جمهورية الهند

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “Global Investors Meeting 2024” in Chennai, Tamil Nadu - Republic of India Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose to you the email received from the Embassy of the Republic of India containing an invitation to participate in the “Global Investors Meeting 2024”, scheduled to be held during the period from 7 to 8 January 2024 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu - India. For more information, please visit the website: Yours sincerely,

Connect Business Forumملتقى كونكت الدولي للاعمال


الدورة الثالثة للمعرض الدولي " بوليفيا للعالم" بمدينة لاباز – دولة بوليفيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, The third session of the International Exhibition “Bolivia for the World” in La Paz - Bolivia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you. We are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which includes an invitation to participate in the third session of the international exhibition “Bolivia to the World”, which is scheduled to be organized in person and virtually in the period from 11/7/24/2023 in the city of La Paz - Bolivia. For more information, please contact the competent authority through the following means: • Email: • Website: Yours sincerely,

المنتدى العربي للتنمية الاجتماعية متعددة الأبعاد والفعاليات المصاحبة له"- دولة قطر

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “The Arab Forum for Multidimensional Social Development and its accompanying events” - State of Qatar Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with our best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received from the Union of Arab Chambers, which includes an invitation to participate in the second edition of the Independent Living Initiative competition, and the second edition of the Arab Exhibition for Productive Families, to be organized within the activities of the “Arab Forum for Multidimensional Social Development.” ", which will be held during the period from 22 to 26 October 2023. In the city of Doha - State of Qatar. For more information, please see the attachments: • Attachment 1 • Attachment 2

الدورة الثالثة عشر لمجلس الأعمال العربي الروسي والمعرض الدولي الخامس" بمدينة مسقط – سلطنة عُمان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “The Thirteenth Session of the Arab-Russian Business Council and the Fifth International Exhibition” in Muscat - Sultanate of Oman Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received from the Federation of Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, which includes an invitation to participate in the thirteenth session of the Arab-Russian Business Council and the Fifth International Exhibition in the city of Muscat - Sultanate of Oman during the period from January 22-23, 2024. For more information, please see the attachments: • Attachment 1 • Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

القمة العربية لريادة الأعمال والمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة" بمدينة مراكش – المملكة المغربية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The Arab Summit for Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprises” in Marrakesh - Kingdom of Morocco Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received from the Federation of Emirates Chambers regarding participation in the “Arab Summit for Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprises,” which will be held during the period from 12-14 December 2023 in the city of Marrakesh - Kingdom of Morocco. For more information, please see the attachments: • Attachment 1 • Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

الدورة العاشرة للمنتدى المتوسطي للسياحة " ميد تور" - المملكة المغربية

To / Dear Members Subject: The tenth session of the Mediterranean Tourism Forum “Med Tour” - Kingdom of Morocco Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services for the Fez-Meknes region, which includes an invitation to participate in the “Tenth Session of the Mediterranean Forum for Tourism (Med Tour)”, which is scheduled to be held during the period 24 - 26 October 2023 in the city of Fez - Kingdom of Morocco. For more information, please contact the organizing body through the following means: • Email: • Electronic link: Yours sincerely,

الملتقى الخليجي للمواصفات، بمدينة الرياض – المملكة العربية السعودية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Gulf Standards Forum, in Riyadh - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received to the Union from the Gulf Standardization Organization regarding participation in the “Gulf Standardization Forum” which will be held during the period from 14 - 15 November 2023 in the city of Riyadh - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For more information, please contact through the following means: • Email: • Website: Yours sincerely,

الدورة (47) لمعرض بغداد الدولي بمدينة بغداد – العراق

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The 47th session of the Baghdad International Fair in Baghdad - Iraq Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you. We are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding the (47th) session of the Baghdad International Fair in the city of Baghdad - Iraq 2023, during the period from 1 to 10 November 2023. For more information, please see the attachments: • Attachment 1 • Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

المعرض التجاري الدولي بمدينة مومباي - الهند

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: International Trade Fair in Mumbai - India Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the international trade exhibition (World Trade Expo), which is scheduled to be held during the period from 3 to 4 October 2023 in the city of Mumbai - India. For more information, please see the attachments: • Email: • Website: Attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

ورشة عمل حول " توطين الوظائف في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي" بمدينة صحار - سلطنة عُمان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: A workshop on “Nationalization of jobs in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries” in the city of Sohar - Sultanate of Oman Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Federation of Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council States, which includes an invitation to participate in the workshop “Nationalization of Jobs in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries” scheduled to be held during the period from 25 to 26 September 2023 in the city of Sohar - Sultanate of Oman. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

"القمة الإفريقية حول الموارد الطبيعية والاستثمار في الطاقة" بمدينة أبوجا – نيجيريا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The African Summit on Natural Resources and Energy Investment in Abuja, Nigeria Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "African Summit on Natural Resources and Energy Investment" to be held from 10/31-11/2/2023 in the city of Abuja Republic of Nigeria. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1

دعوة للمشاركة في "المعرض السنوي للسياحة والتجارة" - غانا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Invitation to participate in the "Annual Exhibition of Tourism and Trade" - Ghana Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in an invitation to participate in the "Annual Exhibition of Tourism and Trade" - Ghana, during the period from 18 to 20 September 2023. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1

دعوة للمشاركة في " مؤتمر ومعرض الأعمال الفليبيني التاسع والأربعين"

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Invitation to participate in the "Forty-ninth Philippine Business Conference and Exhibition" Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose a letter from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines to participate in the "Forty-ninth Philippine Business Conference and Exhibition", which will be held in the capital, Manila, from October 25-26, 2023. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

دعوة للمشاركة "بقمة B20 " بالهند للفترة 25-27 اغسطس 2023

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Invitation to participate in the "B20 Summit" in India for the period 25-27 August 2023 Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation extended to the Federation of Emirates Chambers regarding participation in the "B20 Summit", which will be held in the Indian capital, New Delhi, for the period from 25-27 August 2023. Registration can be made via the electronic link below: Yours sincerely,

المعرض الدولي للصناعة" بمدينة أستانا - جمهورية كازاخستان"

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: "International Exhibition of Industry" in Astana - Republic of Kazakhstan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "International Exhibition of Industry" to which will be held from 25-27 September 2023 in the city of Astana - Kazakhstan. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

الدورة الثانية للملتقى والمعرض الدولي السنوي للصناعة" بمدينة القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The second session of the Annual International Forum and Exhibition for Industry, in Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Second Session of the Annual International Forum and Exhibition for Industry" , which will be held in the period from 28-30/10/2023 at Al-Manara Center for International Conferences and Exhibitions in Cairo New - Arab Republic of Egypt. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Online registration link: Yours sincerely,

معرض السوسنة الزراعي الدولي المختص بمجالات الزراعة والبيطرة" بمدينة عمان – المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The International Agricultural Iris Exhibition, specialized in the fields of agriculture and veterinary medicine, in Amman, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the letter of the Federation of Arab Chambers, which includes an invitation to participate in the “International Agricultural Iris Exhibition specialized in the fields of agriculture and veterinary care” to be held from 23-25/4/2024 at the Jordanian Center for International Exhibitions in the city of Amman - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

معرض لاغوس التجاري الدولي لعام 2023

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Lagos International Trade Fair 2023 Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to transmit the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs containing the memorandum of the Nigerian Embassy regarding the Lagos International Trade Fair 2023 to which will be held in Lagos during the period 3-12 November 2023. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1

معرض الصناعات الغذائية - الجمهورية التونسية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Food Industries Exhibition - Republic of Tunisia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Food Industries Exhibition" to which will be held from 16-11/18/2023 in the city of Yasmine Hammamet - Tunisia. . For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

المعرض الدولي الأول للتمور والعسل" بمدينة مسقط – سلطنة عُمان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The First International Exhibition for Dates and Honey in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the e-mail received from the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, which includes an invitation to participate in the "First International Exhibition of Dates and Honey", which will be held during the period from 25 to 28 October 2023 at the Oman Exhibition and Convention Center in the city of Muscat - Sultanate of Oman.. For more information, please see the website of the organizer: • Website: Yours sincerely,

مؤتمر ومعرض حول الأمن الغذائي العربي : الصناعات الغذائية ودورها في تحقيق الأمن الغذائي" بمدينة مراكش – المملكة المغربية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject / Conference and Exhibition on Arab Food Security: Food Industries and Their Role in Achieving Food Security" in Marrakesh - Kingdom of Morocco Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Federation of Arab Chambers, which includes an invitation to participate in the “Conference and Exhibition on Arab Food Security: Food Industries and Their Role in Achieving Food Security” to be held from 2-3/10 / 2023 at the Conference Palace in Marrakesh - Kingdom of Morocco. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

الدورة (15) للمعرض الدولي للجلود والأحذية ومنتجات الفراء" بمدينة طشقند – جمهورية أوزبكستان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Session (15) of the International Exhibition of Leather, Shoes and Fur Products in Tashkent - Republic of Uzbekistan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of The Association "Uzcharmsanoa", which includes an invitation to participate in the "15th Session of the International Exhibition of Leather, Shoes and Fur Products", to be held during the period 18-20/10/2023 in Tashkent - Uzbekistan. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

قمة البوسفور الرابعة عشر" بمدينة إسطنبول - تركيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The Fourteenth Bosporus Summit in Istanbul, Turkey Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Fourteenth Bosporus Summit" which will be held from 16-11/17/2023 in Istanbul - Turkey. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

ندوة كيماكس أفريقيا" - الجمهورية الجزائرية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Symposium "KIMAX Africa" - Republic of Algeria Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Kimax Africa Symposium" to be held from 23/09 – 10/4/2023 at the Exhibition Palace, Maritime Pines - Republic the Algerian. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Email: • Online registration link: For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

دعوة للمشاركة في القمة العالمية بصناعة البلاستيك "WPCS" البرازيل

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Invitation to participate in the World Plastics Industry Summit "WPCS" Brazil Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding the holding of the “World Plastic Connection Summit” in São Paulo from August 21-24, 2023. For more information, please see the attachments : Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

دعوة للمشاركة في "ملتقى التعاون الاقتصادي التركي العربي العشرين"

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: An invitation to participate in the twentieth Turkish-Arab Economic Cooperation Forum Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach the schedule to you regarding the “20th Arab Economic Cooperation Forum”, 15-18 August - 2023 Istanbul. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

الدورةالــ(6) لمؤتمر الشراكة العربي الهندي بنيودلهي

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The (6) session of the Arab-Indian Partnership Conference in New Delhi Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the attachments of the 6th session of the Arab-Indian Partnership Conference in New Delhi. Attachment link: Yours sincerely,

" دعوة للمشاركة في "ورشة العمل العربية حول المتطلبات العامة لكفاءة مختبرات المعايرة والإختبار طبقاً للإصدار الجديد"

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “Invitation to participate in the Arab workshop on general requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories according to the new version” Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards and we are pleased to attach to you We are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding participation in the Arab workshop on (general requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories according to the new version ISO/IEC17025-2017), which is to be held during the period 31/7- 3/8/2023 at the headquarters of the Arab Organization for Administrative Development in Cairo. For more information and registration, please contact the Chamber through the following means: • Website: For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

دعوة لحضور مؤتمر الأعمال الدولي 2023 ومعرض إكسبو للإستثمار في نيجيريا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Invitation to attend the 2023 International Business Conference and Investment Expo in Nigeria Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding the invitation of the Nigerian Embassy to the country to attend the “2023 International Business Conference and Investment Expo” in Nigeria. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

دعوة لحضور مؤتمر الأعمال الدولي 2023 ومعرض إكسبو للإستثمار في نيجيريا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Invitation to attend the 2023 International Business Conference and Investment Expo in Nigeria Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding the invitation of the Nigerian Embassy to the country to attend the “2023 International Business Conference and Investment Expo” in Nigeria. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

مؤتمر الاستثمار والتعدين" - جمهورية جنوب أفريقيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “Investment and Mining Conference” - Republic of South Africa Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Investment and Mining Conference" to be held on June 29, 2023 in the city of Kimberley - Republic of South Africa. For more information, please see the attachments with the conference registration link: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

تأجيل موعد عقد ورشة عمل "مناقشة الثروة المعدنية والتكامل في سلاسل الصناعات والمنتجات بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي


معرض هافانا الدولي" بمدينة هافانا - جمهورية كوبا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Havana International Fair, Havana, Republic of Cuba Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in the country, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Havana International Fair" to be held from 6-11 November 2023 at the Exhibition Center in Havana - Republic of Cuba. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

النسخة الأولى لمنتدى الاستثمار في السنغال" بمدينة دكار - جمهورية السنغال

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The first edition of the Investment Forum in Senegal in Dakar, Republic of Senegal Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Economy, which includes an invitation to participate in the "First Edition of the Investment Forum in Senegal" to be held from 6-8 July 2023 at the Abdel Djouf International Conference Center in Dakar - Republic of Senegal. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

المؤتمر الاقتصادي الثالث والعشرون" بمدينة عمان - المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The Twenty-Third Economic Conference in Amman - The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Twenty-Third Economic Conference: Financial Innovation in E-Commerce" to be held from 5-6 September 2023 at the Movenpick Hotel in Amman. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

ورشة العمل العربية حول "تخطيط ومراقبة الإنتاج وإدارة العمليات الإنتاجية بالمؤسسات الصناعية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Arab workshop on "planning and control of production and management of production processes in industrial enterprises". Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Arab Organization for Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining (the regional office in Cairo), which includes an invitation to participate in the Arab workshop on “Planning and Controlling Production and Managing Production Operations in Industrial Institutions”, which will be held from 10-13 July 2023 in Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Website: Yours sincerely,

"مؤتمر الاستثمار والتعدين" - جمهورية جنوب أفريقيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “Investment and Mining Conference” - Republic of South Africa Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the long-term "Investment and Mining Conference”, held on June 29, 2023 in the city of Kimberley - Republic of South Africa. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

معرض عُمان للغذاء والضيافة " بمدينة مسقط سلطنة عُمان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Oman Food and Hospitality Exhibition in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and to contribute to an invitation to participate in the 16th session (Oman Food and Hospitality Exhibition), which will be held from 18-20 September 2023 at the Oman Exhibition and Convention Center, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment2 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة هندية متخصصة بمجال الموارد البشرية لدى جمهورية الهند

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Opportunities for cooperation with an Indian company specialized in the field of human resources in the Republic of India. Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to enclose a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation regarding the desire of M. Gheewala Global, which specializes in the field of human resources services in the Republic of India, to expand its business in the United Arab Emirates through cooperation with companies interested in this field . For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

ورشة عمل "حول مناقشة الثروة المعدنية والتكامل في سلاسل الصناعات والمنتجات بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي" بمدينة جدة – المملكة العربية السعودية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Workshop on "Discussion of Mineral Resources and Integration in Industries and Product Chains in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries" in Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you a letter from the Federation of Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which includes an invitation to participate in a workshop on "Discussion of Mineral Resources and Integration in Industries and Product Chains in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries" scheduled to be held on Attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

الدورة 14 للمؤتمر العالمي للتوابل جمهورية الهند

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: 14th Session of the World Spice Conference Republic of India Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation that includes an invitation to participate in the “14th Session of the World Spice Congress”, which will be held from 15-17 September 2023 in Mumbai, India. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

مؤتمر ومعرض الزراعة الذكية والأمن الغذائي في آسيا" بمدينة كوالا لمبور– ماليزيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “Smart Agriculture and Food Security in Asia Conference and Exhibition” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you an invitation to participate in the “ASF 2023 Smart Agriculture and Food Security Conference and Exhibition” to be held from 3-5 October 2023 at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Center (MITEC) in Kuala Lumpur city. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

معرض موتشينغا إكسبو 2023


الدورة الــ(95) لمعرض الزراعة والتجارة"– جمهورية زامبيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The (95th) Session of the Agriculture and Trade Fair - Republic of Zambia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation that includes an invitation to participate in the "95th session of the Agriculture and Trade Exhibition, under the slogan: Comprehensive Economic Transformation" which will be held during the period From 2 - 7/8/ 2023 at the Fairgrounds in Lusaka City - Republic of Zambia. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

فرصة حق امتياز علامة تجارية (O’Hagan’s Irish Pub & Grill) لسلسلة مطاعم وشويات عالمية – جنوب أفريقيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Opportunity to franchise a brand (O'Hagan's Irish Pub & Grill) for an international chain of restaurants and grills - South Africa Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the e-mail received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding the desire of O'Hagan's Irish Pub & Grill chain in the Republic of South Africa, to expand the franchising of its trademark to interested business owners in the United Arab Emirates. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

إطلاق منصة الغرفة الإسلامية للتبادل التجاري

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Launching the platform of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture, which includes the Chamber’s announcement of launching a platform for trade exchange, aimed at stimulating and facilitating the work of trade delegations and developing trade and investment cooperation among the members of the Chamber. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

مؤتمر المسؤولية الاجتماعية للقطاع الخاص ودورها في التنمية المستدامة" بمدينة بيروت – الجمهورية اللبنانية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Conference on Social Responsibility of the Private Sector and its Role in Sustainable Development in Beirut, Lebanon Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation extended by the Federation of Arab Chambers to participate in the “Conference on Social Responsibility of the Private Sector and its Role in Sustainable Development”, which will be held on Monday, July 17, 2023 at the headquarters of the Federation of Arab Chambers in Beirut - Republic of Lebanon. For more information and registration, please see the following link: Attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

المؤتمر البحري العربي - اليوناني الأول" بمدينة أثينا – جمهورية اليونان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: "The First Greek-Arab Maritime Conference" in Athens - Republic of Greece Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received from the Arab-Greek Chamber, regarding participation in the "First Arab-Greek Maritime Conference", which will be held from 5-6 July 2023 in the city of Athens - Greece. For more information and registration, please contact the Chamber through the following means: • Email: • Website: For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

استبيان بشأن التجارة الإلكترونية بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: A questionnaire on e-commerce in the GCC countries Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you a letter to the Federation of Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council, extending the period of the questionnaire for the survey of the visions of the federations, member chambers and their affiliates regarding e-commerce, the Gulf Cooperation Council. Link to fill out the questionnaire: - Yours sincerely,

مؤتمر كينيا الدولي الثالث للاستثمار" – جمهورية كينيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The Third Kenya International Investment Conference" - Republic of Kenya Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the Third Kenya International Investment Conference KIICO 2023 and its accompanying events, which will be held from 29-31 May 2023 in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment2 Yours sincerely,

دليل العارضين الخاص بالدورة الـ10 لمعرض الحلال لمنظمة التعاون الاسلامي بالجمهورية التونسية خلال الفترة من 31 مايو الى 4 يونيو2023

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Exhibitor Guide for the 10th Session of the OIC Halal Exhibition in the Republic of Tunisia during the period from May 31 to June 4, 2023 Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation received from the Ministry of Economy, regarding the exhibitors’ guide for the 10th session of the Halal Exhibition of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Republic of Tunisia during the period from May 31 to June 4, 2023. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

المعرض التجاري الثامن عشر للدول الأعضاء في منظمة التعاون الإسلامي" - باكستان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The 18th Trade Fair of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation - Pakistan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased that the letter of the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation received from the Ministry of Economy, which includes the renewal of the invitation to participate in the “eighteenth trade fair for the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation,” which will be held during the period from 16-18 June 2023 in the city of Lahore - Republic of Pakistan. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

مؤتمر الاستثمار في السنغال" بمدينة دكار– جمهورية السنغال

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “Investment in Senegal Conference” in Dakar, Republic of Senegal Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the e-mail received from the Ministry of Economy to the federation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Investment Conference in Senegal", which will be held from 6-8 July 2023 in the Gamniago region in the city of Dakar - Republic of Senegal. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

دعوة للمشاركة في " مؤتمر ومنتدى أستانا الدولي " بمدينة أستانا جمهورية كازاخستان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Subject: Invitation to participate in the "Astana International Conference and Forum" in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach the letter of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the United Arab Emirates, regarding the invitation to participate in the “AFD Financial Days” conference, and the “Astana International Forum” that will be held during the period from 7 to 9 June 2023 in the city of Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. Online registration link:- For more information, please see the online registration link: Yours sincerely,

الدورة العاشرة لمؤتمر رجال الأعمال العرب والصينيين، والدورة الثامنة لندوة الاستثمار العربي – الصيني بمدينة الرياض المملكة العربية السعودية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The tenth session of the Arab-Chinese Businessmen Conference, and the eighth session of the Arab-Chinese Investment Symposium in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Federation of Arab Chambers, which includes an invitation to participate in the “Tenth Session of the Conference of Arab and Chinese Businessmen, and the Eighth Session of the Arab-Chinese Investment Symposium”, which will be held during the period from 11-12 June 2023, in the city of Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Registration link: For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

منتدى "المركزي الأوروبي الآسيوي للمشروعات في مجال رأس مال المخاطرة" - جمهورية كازاخستان


مؤتمر ومعرض أنا لبنانية عربية" بمدينة بيروت – الجمهورية اللبنانية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “I am Arab Lebanese” conference and exhibition in Beirut, Lebanon Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received from We attach to you the letter of the Union of Arab Chambers, which includes an invitation to participate in the “Arab Lebanese Conference and Exhibition”, which will be held on May 24, 2023 in Beirut - Republic of Lebanon. For more information and registration, please see the following link:- Attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

القمة الأولى لتعليم السياحة والضيافة" – جمهورية زامبيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The First Tourism and Hospitality Education Summit" - Republic of Zambia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation 2023, which includes an invitation to participate in the first tourism and hospitality education summit, under the title "Bridging the Human Capital Gap: Aligning Learning with Industry Needs" scheduled to take place from 22-24 May 2023 in the Republic of Zambia. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Tel: 00260975818384 - 00260211222604 • Email: Attachments: • Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

(القمة الإقتصادية العربية – البريطانية الثالثة 2023) بمدينة لندن – بريطانيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: (The Third Arab-British Economic Summit 2023) in London - Britain Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to attach to you a letter from the British Arab Chamber of Commerce, which includes an invitation to participate in the “Third British Arab Economic Summit” to be held on November 20, 2023 at the Hilton Metropole Hotel in London, United Kingdom. For more information, see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

الدورة السادسة للمعرض الصيني العربي، تحت شعار: عصر جديد، فرص جيدة، مستقبل جديد" في مقاطعة نينغشيا - الصين

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The Sixth China-Arab Expo, under the theme: New Era, Good Opportunities, New Future" in Ningxia Province - China Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Federation of Arab Chambers, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Sixth Session of the China-Arab Exhibition, under the slogan: New Era, Good Opportunities, New Future", to be held during the period from September 21-24, 2023. In Ningxia Province, China. For more information, please the attachments: • Attach 1 Yours sincerely,

الدورة (49) لمعرض طرابلس الدولي"– دولة ليبيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Session (49) of the Tripoli International Fair - Libya Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "49th Session of the Tripoli International Fair" to be held from 7-13 May 2023 in the city of Tripoli - Libya. For more information, see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

استبيان بشأن التجارة الإلكترونية بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: A questionnaire on e-commerce in the GCC countries Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Federation of Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council, regarding a survey of the opinions of the federations, member chambers and their affiliates on electronic commerce in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Survey link: For more information and inquiries, please contact the following e-mail: Yours sincerely,

الدورة العاشرة لمؤتمر رجال الأعمال العرب والصينيين ، والدورة الثامنة لندوة الإستثمار العربي – الصيني" بمدينة الرياض – المملكة العربية السعودية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The tenth session of the Arab-Chinese Businessmen Conference, and the eighth session of the Arab-Chinese Investment Symposium in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Federation of Arab Chambers, which includes an invitation to participate in the tenth session of the Arab and Chinese Businessmen Conference, and the eighth session of the Arab-Chinese Investment Symposium, which will be held during the period from 22-24 May 2023, in the city of Riyadh - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: ➢ Website For more information, see the attachments: Attachment 1

المعرض السياحي الدولي " ITM " – مدغشقر

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: International Tourism Exhibition "ITM" - Madagascar Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "International Tourism Exhibition ITM" which will be held from 15-18 June 2023 in the city of Antananarivo - Madagascar. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: Tel: 00966542392839 - 00966507882927 Email:, For more information, please find the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

منتدى الأعمال لمنطقة التجارة الحرة القارية الأفريقية" – جنوب أفريقيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: African Continental Free Trade Area Business Forum - South Africa Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the official letter from the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) secretariat, which includes an invitation to participate in the “Business Forum for the African Continental Free Trade Area” that will be held during the period from 16 to 20 April 2023 in the city of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Tel: 00233596921130 • E-mail: Attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

المعرض الزراعي الدولي"جانا دالا / غرين داي" بمحافظة أكمولا - جمهورية كازاخستان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: International Agricultural Exhibition "Jana Dala / Green Day" in Akmola Province - Republic of Kazakhstan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, attached to the letter of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the country, which includes an invitation to participate in the international agricultural exhibition "Jana Dala / Green Day" to be held from 13 – July 14, 2023 in Akmola Province - Kazakhstan. For more information, please contact via the following means: • Mr. Ali Silkhanov, Coordinator at the Kazakh Embassy. • Mobile: 00971545933677 • Email: • Website: Attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment2 Yours sincerely,

2023 Sarajevo Business Forum and Sarajevo Halal Fair

To / Dear Members After Greetings, 2023 Sarajevo Business Forum and Sarajevo Halal Fair Theme Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received from the UAE Embassy in Pod Gorica, regarding the invitation to attend the "2023 Sarajevo Business Forum" and the "Sarajevo Halal Fair" which will be held from May 17 to May 19, 2023 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For more information, please visit the website:

الدورة الــ(18) لمعرض إكسبوكاريبي الدولي 2023 – كوبا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The (18th) session of the International Expo Caribe 2023 - Cuba Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to attach to you the invitation extended by the government of the province of Santiago de Cuba, regarding participation in the "18th session of the International Expo Caribe 2023", which will be held virtually and in person from 21-24 June 2023, in the complex Heredia Cultural Center, Santiago de Cuba. For more information, please contact see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

مؤتمر ومعرض تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات" بمدينة المنامة مملكة البحرين

To / Dear Members Subject: Information and Communication Technology Conference and Exhibition in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "ICT Conference and Bahrain International Technology Exhibition", which will be held from May 9-7, 2023 in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Tel: 0097317002280 • Website: Yours sincerely,

الدورة الـــ(19) لملتقى التعاون الاقتصادي التركي العربي والمعارض المصاحبة له" بمدينة إسطنبول – تركيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The 19th session of the Turkish-Arab Economic Cooperation Forum and the accompanying exhibitions in Istanbul, Turkey Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Joint Cooperation Association of Turkish and Arab countries, which includes an invitation to participate in the “19th session of the Turkish-Arab Economic Cooperation Forum and its accompanying exhibitions,”which will be held from 13-16 June 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. For more information, please see the website: Attachments: letter is attached Yours sincerely,

المنتدى العربي حول تعزيز الشفافية والحكم الرشيد لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Session: Arab Forum on "Promoting Transparency and Good Governance to Achieve the Goals of Sustainable Development" Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Arab Organization for Administrative Development, which includes an invitation to participate in the Arab Forum on “Promoting Transparency and Good Governance to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals”, which will be held from 12-14 June 2023 in Cairo - Republic of Egypt Arabic. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Tel: 00201114042000 • Email: Attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment2 Yours sincerely,

"معرض إكسبو كاريبي الدولي 2023" بمحافظة سانتياغو دي كوبا -كوبا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: International Expo Karibi 2023" in Santiago de Cuba - Cuba Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to enclose for you a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "18th session of the International Caribbean Expo", which will be held virtually and in person from 21-24/6/2023 in the Heredia Cultural Complex in the governorate of Santiago de Cuba. For more information, please see the website: Yours sincerely,

دعوة للمشاركة في دورة الجمعية العامة الثالثة والخمسون لرابطة مراكز التجارة العالمية في مدينة أكرا الغانية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Invitation to participate in the fifty-third session of the General Assembly Association of World Trade Centers in Accra, Ghana Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation that includes an invitation regarding the fifty-third session of the World Trade Center’s Association’s General Assembly in the Ghanaian city of Accra during the period from 23-28 April 2023. For more information, see the attachments: Attach 1 Yours sincerely,

دعوة للمشاركة في دورة الجمعية العامة الثالثة والخمسون لرابطة مراكز التجارة العالمية في مدينة أكرا الغانية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Invitation to participate in the fifty-third session of the General Assembly Association of World Trade Centers in Accra, Ghana Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation regarding the fifty-third session of the General Assembly of the Association of World Trade Centers in Accra, Ghana, during the period from 23-28 April 2023. Yours sincerely,

Dublin Technology Summit” in Dublin, Republic of Ireland

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Dublin Technology Summit, Republic of Ireland Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation ,the invitation to participate in the “the Dublin Technology Summit (DTS), which will be held from 31/5 - 1/6/2023, Dublin, Republic of Ireland. For more information, please contact: Email: Yours sincerely,

الدورة التدريبية " المنازعات العقارية بين التحكيم وقضاء محاكم الدولة" - مملكة البحرين

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Training course on "Real estate disputes between arbitration and state courts" - Kingdom of Bahrain Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you a letter to the Commercial Arbitration Center of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, which includes an invitation to participate in the training course "Real Estate Disputes, between Arbitration and the Judiciary of State Courts" which to be held from 12-15 March 2023 at the headquarters of Center Kingdom of Bahrain. For more information, please contact the center through the following means: ➢ Phone: 0097317278005 WhatsApp: – 0097339290859 ➢ Email: ➢ Website: Yours sincerely,

الدورة السادسة لمؤتمر الشراكة العربي الهندي" بمدينة نيودلهي الهند

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The Sixth Session of the Arab-Indian Partnership Conference, New Delhi, India Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Sixth Session of the Arab-Indian Partnership Conference" to be held - From 11-12 July 2023 in New Delhi, India. For more information, please see: Union of Arab Chambers. • Email: Yours sincerely,

معرض إيران إكسبو التجاري" بمدينة طهران إيران

After Greetings, Subject: Iran Expo Trade Fair in Tehran, Iran Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to attend and participate in the "Iran Expo Trade Fair" which to be held from 7-10/5/2023 in the city of Tehran. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Tel: 00982177247343 • Email • Website Yours sincerely,

الدورة الـــــ(54) لمعرض الجزائر الدولي - الجزائر

To / Dear Members After Greetings ,,, Subject: The (54th) session of the Algiers International Fair - Algeria Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the "Fifty-Fourth Session of the International Exhibition of Algeria" which to be held from 19-24/6/2023 in Palace of the Exalted, Pine des Baharis, Algeria. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Tel: 00213023795024 • Email: • website: Yours sincerely,,,,

الدورة الــــ(133) لمعرض الصين للواردات والصادرات " كانتون فير" الصين

To / Dear Members After Greetings ,,, Subject: The 133rd session of the China Import and Export Fair "Canton Fair", China The Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the 133rd session of the China Import and Export Fair "Canton Fair", which is to be held in three stages in the exhibition complex. Guangzhou Canton, China, as follows: • The first stage, from 15-19/4/2023 • The second stage, from 23-25/4/2023 • The third stage, from 1-5/5/2023 For more information, please see the attachments

المؤتمر الدولي للأعمال الصغيرة والمتوسطة" بمدينة نيودلهي – جمهورية الهند

To / Dear Members After Greetings ,,, Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate "International Small and Medium Business Conference", which will be held from 19-21/3/2023 in New Delhi, India. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Tel: 00917710003917 • Email: • Website:

لمؤتمر والمعرض الدولي لتكنولوجيا البناء والتشييد - دولة قطر

To / Dear Members After Greetings ,,, Subject: International Conference and Exhibition for Building and Construction Technology - State of Qatar Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you a letter. We are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to attend and participate in the “International Conference and Exhibition on Building and Construction Technology” that will be held from 19-21 September 2023 in the State of Qatar For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Engineer / Salem Al-Shawi • Tel: 0097440353366 Email: Yours sincerely,,,,

الدورة الــ(23) للصالون الدولي للصناعات التقليدية بالجزائر

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: The (23rd) session of the International Salon of Handicrafts in Algeria Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach the letter from the Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to the country, which includes an invitation to participate in the “23rd Session of the International Salon of Handicrafts in Algeria” to be held from 24/11-2/ 12/ 2022 in the Palace of Exhibitions - Algeria. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Economic Counselor at the Algerian Embassy. • Mobile: 00971508405568 Or the Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts • Email: • Website:

منتدى تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا MENAICT "

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: ICT Forum for the Middle East and North Africa (MENAICT) Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding the invitation to participate in the “Information and Communication Technology Forum for the Middle East and North Africa MENAICT” to be held from 16-17/11/2022 at the King Hussein Center Bin Talal Conferences T, Dead Sea, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. For more information, please see: Website: Email: Yours sincerely,

المعرض العقاري City Scape " – مملكة البحرين

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: "City Scape Real Estate Exhibition" - Kingdom of Bahrain Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding the invitation to participate in the "City Scape Real Estate Exhibition" scheduled to be held from 22-24/11/2022 in the Kingdom of Bahrain. For more information, please contact the organizer through the following means: • Tel: 00971588309879 • Email: • Website: Yours sincerely,

Arab Workshop on "Good Manufacturing Practices GMP"

To / Dear Members After Greetings ,,, Subject: Arab Workshop on "Good Manufacturing Practices GMP" Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attached the letter of the Arab Organization for Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining (regional office in Cairo), which includes an invitation to participate in the Arab workshop on “Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)”, which will be held from 7-9 November 2022 at the organization’s headquarters Arab Administrative Development, in the city of Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt, note that the participation fee is 800 US dollars for the participant. For more information, please see the website:

استطلاع مرئيات القطاع الخاص حول تطوير المنافذ الجمركية بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: A survey of the private sector's views on the development of customs ports in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Federation of Gulf Cooperation Council Chambers, which includes the link to the questionnaire below, prepared by the Advisory Office (PWC) Luxembourg, which is include preparing a study on the development of customs ports in the GCC countries.

القمة والمعرض الدولي للتعليم العالي 2022

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: International Summit and Exhibition for Higher Education 2022 Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to extend an invitation to you to participate in the "International Summit and Exhibition for Higher Education 2022", which is organized by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Indian Government, and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry in New Delhi for the period 17-19 November 2022.

الموعد الجديد لانعقاد القمة الاقتصادية العربية البريطانية الثانية 2022 – بريطانيا

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: The new date for the second Arab-British Economic Summit 2022 - Britain The Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the new date for the second Arab-British Economic Summit 2022 - Britain.

النسخة الثامنة والثلاثين من معرض هافانا الدولي FIHAV 2022

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: The 38th FIHAV 2022 Havana International Fair Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and with reference to the letter of the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba given to us below regarding participation in the FIHAV 2022 International Havana Fair, in its 38th edition, which will be held from 14 to 18 November 2022, at EXPOCUBA fairgrounds.

الدورة الخامسىة للمعرض التجاري للمعادن – جمهورية تنزانيا

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: The Fifth Session of the Trade Fair for Minerals - Republic of Tanzania Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation containing the invitation from the Tanzanian Trade Development Authority to participate in the “Fifth Session of the Trade Fair for Metals” which will be held from 27/9 – 6/10/2022 At Bombambele, the trade fair grounds in the Geeta region of the Republic of Tanzania. For more information, please contact the organizer via the following means: • Ms. Upendo Nduguru • Tel: 00255733002014 • Telephone of the Embassy of the Republic of Tanzania in the country: 00971505137884

ملتقى الممارسات الوقفية 2022م " بعنوان " الابداع والابتكار الوقفي "

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: Waqfia Practices Forum 2022 - entitled “Creativity and Innovation " Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to extend an invitation to you to participate in the Waqfia Practices Forum 2022 AD - entitled “Creativity and Innovation ", which will be held on September 28, 2022 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

Invitation from the Korea Exhibition Industry Association to participate in "AEP Business Day" - Korea

Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: Invitation from the Korea Exhibition Industry Association to participate in "AEP Business Day" - Korea Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose the invitation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding the invitation of the Korea Exhibition Industry Association (Association of Korea Exhibition Industry AKEI) ,to participate in this event organized by the Foundation to encourage foreign investment in Korea and enter the Korean markets.

ورشة العمل العربية حول " كيفية الإعداد والتحديث والرقابة لنظم إدارة المعرفة بالشركات والمؤسسات الصناعية وفقاً لمتطلبات المواصفة القياسية الدولية "2018:ISO30401"

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: Arab workshop on "How to prepare, update and control knowledge management systems for companies and industrial establishments in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard "2018: ISO30401" Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach an invitation to you to participate in the Arab workshop on “How to prepare, update and control knowledge management systems for companies and industrial establishments in accordance with the requirements of International Standard 2018: ISO30401”, which will be held in the period 29-31 August 2022 at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt. The participation fee is 800 US dollars for participation.

معرض صادرات مقاطعة تشجيانغ عبر الأنترنت (حدث فرعي عن مشاريع المقاولات الخارجية في الشرق الأوسط)


القمة الإقتصادية العربية البريطانية الثانية 2022

Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject/The Second Arab-British Economic Summit 2022 Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received from us from the Arab British Chamber of Commerce regarding participation in the “Second Arab-British Economic Summit”, which will be organized by the Chamber on 15 September 2022 in London - United Kingdom.

معرض (Splash) لدعم الشركات الناشئة - كوريا الجنوبية

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: (Splash) Exhibition to Support Startups - South Korea Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to extend an invitation to you to attend and participate in the "Splash Exhibition to Support Startups - South Korea", which will be held from September 5-6, 2022 in Koh - Republic of Korea.

دعوة للمشاركة في مسابقة ناننينغ الدولية للابتكار وريادة الأعمال - كوانغ جو- الصين

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: Invitation to participate in the Nanning International Competition for Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Kwangju - China Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation containing the invitation received from Nanning, regarding participation in the Nanning International Competition for Innovation and Entrepreneurship during the period from June to September 2022.

وحدة حل مشاكل المستثمرين برئاسة مجلس الوزراء

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: Unit for Solving Investors' Problems at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and with reference to the above subject, we are pleased to attach to you the Unit for Solving Investors' Problems, headed by the Council of Ministers of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

ورشة العمل العربية حول " المهارات العلمية الحديثة

Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to extend an invitation to you to participate in the Arab workshop on “Modern Scientific Skills in How to Manage Industrial Establishments and Institutions in the Arab World in the Light of New Global Opportunities and Challenges” which will be held from 25 – 27/7/2022 , in Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt. For more information, please see the website:

المنتدى العربي الأول للحلي والمجوهرات بالأردن

Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased invite you to attend and participate in the “First Arab Forum for Jewelry ”, which will be organized by the Jordan Chamber of Commerce on Sunday 19/6/2022 at the Landmark Hotel in Amman - the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

دعوة لحضور معرض "الاستثمار والامتياز الدولي السادس

Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to invite you to attend the “Sixth International Investment and Franchise” exhibition, from 12-14 June 2022 at the Riyadh International Exhibition and Conference Center in Riyadh.

تأجيل المنتدى والمعرض الاقتصادي الخليجي السويسري الأول

Ajman Chamber of Commerce & Industry presents you with the best regards, we are pleased to attach to you a copy of the letter of the Federation of Gulf Chambers regarding “Postponement of the First Swiss Gulf Economic Forum and Exhibition” until further notice.

دعوة للمشاركة في المنتدى والمعرض الاقتصادي الخليجي السويسري الأول بجنيف


ورشة عمل توطين صناعة التحلية بدول المجلس


بوابة التجارة الباكستانية والدليل السياحي الشامل


معرض الجزائر الدولي - الجزائر 13-18 يونيو 2022


عروض تجارية


سياسة جمهورية أذربيجان لتنمية الصناعة والمناطق الاقتصادية الخاصة


"الدورة الرابعة لمؤتمر تكنولوجيا صناعة الأسمنت" في الجمهورية العربية السورية


دعوة رسمية للمشاركة ضمن وفد الدولة الى جمهورية الهند

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject:Official Invitation to join UAE Delegation to India Ajman Chamber of Commerce & Industry presents you with the best regards, and with reference to the above subject, and as part of the Ministry’s efforts to enhance the bilateral relations between The United Arab Emirates and Republic India. The Ministry of Economy will organize a high-level official and Economic delegation headed by H.E. Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri - Minister of Economy to India - Mumbai on 13, May 2022. The visit aims to strengthening economic and Trade relations and exploring opportunities between UAE and India. The program will include UAE - India Economic Forum and B2B meetings with businessmen from both sides. For further coordination please contact Executive Office at the Ministry of Economy on: 026131484 0r via email:

دعوة للمشاركة في الصالون الدولي للنفط والغاز والخدمات PETRO AFRICA -تونس


إكسبو حياد الكربون الدولي- شنغهاي 2022


دعوة للمشاركة في الصالون الدولي للنفط والغاز والخدمات PETRO AFRICA


مؤتمر بيوهافانا 2022 الأول في كوبا


دعوة للمشاركة في "معرض ومؤتمر الذهب والمجوهرات" بالقاهرة


مؤتمر الاستثمار في المعادن والتعدين لدى جمهورية تنزانيا


تأجيل موعد إنعقاد ملتقى مسقط للفرص السياحية والعقارية


ورشة العمل العربية " تطبيق منهجية التحسين (Lean six sigma) ودورها في تحسين أداء المؤسسات الصناعية"