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فرصة لشركات مقاوالت الطرق في الدولة لدخول السوق الكويتية


مؤتمر ومعرض ُع 2024" بمدينة الموضوع/ مان الدولي للطيران والفضاء والروبوت صاللة – سلطنة ُعمان


الفرص االستثمارية المتاحة في مجاالت متعددة لدى دولة أذربيجان


الفرص االستثمارية المتاحة لدى دولة كندا


الفرص االستثمارية المتاحة في قطاع الذهب لدى دولة الفلبين


الفرص االستثمارية المتاحة في كردستان العراق


hالاعلان عن مناقصة دولية بشأن توريد بعض المنتجات لشركة الطيران السريالنكية


إعالن عن مناقصة دولية بمجال السكك الحديدية لدى الهند


المؤتمر الإماراتي – البرازيلي – إمارة دبي


الفرص الاستثمارية المتاحة في مجال الطاقة لدى دولة كوبا


تعاون مع شركة PAPER AMBER المتخصصة في ورق الخبز والتغليف إلنتاج الصناعات الغذائية


فرص التعاون مع شركة هندية متخصصة بمجال الحلول البيئية


فرص التعاون مع شركة إيطالية متخصصة بمجال التكنولوجيا والذكاء الاصطناعي


"معرض سواديشي العالمي للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة" - الهند


معرض نور للشحن 2025 Shipping – NOR "- النرويج


برنامج (Source Jordan (بشأن الترويج لألردن كوجهة لالستثمار في قطاع التكنولوجيا والرقمنة


فرص التعاون مع شركةCapital Cherish - الصين


الدورة الــ)135( لمعرض الصين للواردات والصادرات "كانتون فير" - الصين


دورة (48) لمعرض دار السلام التجاري الدولي" تنزانيا


المؤتمر السنوي للاتحاد الدولي لمصنعي المنسوجات " بمدينة سمرقند - أوزبكستان


التعاون مع شركة GROUP GAVRILIS - اليونان


فرص استثمارية في مجال السياحة – تونس


فرص التعاون مع شركة روسية متخصصة بمجال الحديد والفولاذ

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Opportunities for cooperation with a Russian company specialized in the field of iron and steel Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and attached to it information about the Russian company PJSC Izhstal, which specializes in the field of iron and steel, and which is looking forward to cooperating with Emirati entities and companies in its field. For more information, please contact the competent authority through the following means: • Phone: 0073412910250 • Email: Yours sincerely,

المشاريع الاستثمارية المتاحة لدى جمهورية طاجيكستان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Investment projects available in the Republic of Tajikistan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which includes a list of investment projects available in the Republic of Tajikistan. . For more information, please see the attachments: • Attachment 1 • Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

منصات اتحاد غرف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي الرقمية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Digital platforms of the Union of Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council States Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you a letter from the Federation of Gulf Cooperation Council Chambers 2023, regarding the launch of a number of digital platforms, which aim to contribute to the management of the wheel of investment in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, in cooperation with the Information Technology Tendering Platform Foundation and its branches in the Council countries. For more information, please see the attachments: • Attachment 1 • Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة هندية متخصصة بمجال الأدوية والأغذية والمشروبات ومستحضرات التجميل والعطور

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Opportunities for cooperation with an Indian company specialized in the field of medicines, food, beverages, cosmetics and perfumes Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which includes the letter from Zaman Chem, an Indian company specialized in the field of medicines, food, beverages, cosmetics and perfumes, and which looks forward to cooperating with Emirati entities and companies in their fields. For more information, please contact the competent authority through the following means: • Email: • Website: Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة هندية متخصصة بمجال زراعة وإنتاج حبوب القهوة

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Opportunities for cooperation with an Indian company specialized in the field of cultivation and production of coffee beans Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which includes information about Silver Bean Private Ltd, an Indian company specialized in the field of cultivation and production of coffee beans, and which is looking forward to cooperating with Emirati entities and companies in the field of coffee. For more information, please see the attachments: • Attachment 1 • Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع الجمعية الكندية لتسويق المنتجات الغذائية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: “Opportunities for cooperation with the Canadian Food Marketing Association Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which includes information about the Canadian Food Products Marketing Association, which is looking forward to cooperating with Emirati entities and companies in the field of food products. For more information, please see the attachments: • Attachment 1 • Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع بعض الشركات الهندية في مجالات اقتصادية متنوعة

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Opportunities for cooperation with some Indian companies in various economic fields Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which contains the proposals of some of the Indian companies mentioned below, regarding establishing partnerships and cooperation with companies related to their activities in the country. For more information, please see the attachments: • Attachment 1 • Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

الفرص الاستثمارية المتاحة في هيئة المنطقة الاقتصادية ( PEZA)- الفلبين

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Investments opportunities in the Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) - Philippines Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which includes a list of investment and commercial projects in the Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) in the Philippines. For more information, please contact the organizing body through the following means: • Email: • Website: Attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة BlueLeef Exim الهندية المتخصصة بمجال القماش

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: International Trade Fair in Mumbai - India Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an invitation to participate in the international trade exhibition (World Trade Expo), which is scheduled to be held during the period from 3 to 4 October 2023 in the city of Mumbai - India. For more information, please see the attachments: • Email: • Website: Attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

دعوة وفد تجاري واستثماري اماراتي لحضور المنتدى الاقتصادي ( (Golden Business Forumالنسخة الثانية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: An invitation to an Emirati commercial and investment delegation to attend the Golden Business Forum, the second edition Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to forward the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs containing the memorandum of the UAE Embassy in Kigali ,regarding the invitation of an Emirati commercial and investment delegation to attend the Economic Forum (Golden Business Forum) in its second edition, which will be held during the period 16-18 August 2023. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة Iron Capital Partners Limited - نيجيريا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Opportunities for cooperation with Iron Capital Partners Limited - Nigeria Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding cooperation opportunities with Iron Capital Partners Limited - Nigeria. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة Ava Wlat construction - العراق

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Opportunities for cooperation with Ava Wlat construction - Iraq Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation regarding opportunities for cooperation with Ava Wlat construction - Iraq, which is specialized in the field of construction and real estate development. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة Al Tasnim Group - مسقط

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Opportunities for cooperation with Al Tasnim Group - Muscat Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to attach a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation regarding cooperation opportunities with Al Tasnim Group - Muscat. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

فرص استثمارية للسياحة بتونس

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: investment opportunities for tourism in Tunisia The Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes the letter of the Tunisian Embassy regarding investment in the Tunisian tourism sector. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة Gradely - نيجيريا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Collaboration Opportunities with Gradely Company - Nigeria Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding imposing cooperation with Gradely, a company specialized in the field of digital education. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1

فرصة استثمارية في مجال التعليم لدى جمهورية نيجيريا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: An investment opportunity in the field of education in the Republic of Nigeria Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes the offer of the Nigerian company Teeses, specialized in the field of education, regarding the provision of high-quality educational lessons via electronic video platforms. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

فرصة استثمارية في مجال تكرير النفط متاحة لدى جمهورية باكستان الإسلامية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: An investment opportunity in the field of oil refining available to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes a presentation on investment opportunities in the field of oil in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and its new oil refining policy for new refineries. For more information, please contact the competent authority through the following means: • Ministry of Energy - Government of Pakistan. • Tel: 0092519211220 • E-mail: • Website: Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة 3D WAVE– تونس

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Opportunities for cooperation with 3D WAVE - Tunisia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to attach a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation regarding cooperation opportunities with the Tunisian company 3D WAVE. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

الفرص الاستثمارية المتاحة لدى جمهورية أوزبكستان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: investment opportunities available to the Republic of Uzbekistan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation regarding the investment opportunities available in the Republic of Uzbekistan. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Yours sincerely,

فرص التعاون مع شركة هندية متخصصة بمجال الأعمال الزراعية والأمن الغذائي لدى جمهورية الهند

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Opportunities for cooperation with an Indian company specialized in the field of agricultural business and food security in the Republic of India Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation regarding the desire of DCM Shriram, which is specialized in the field of agricultural business in the Republic of India, to expand its business in the United Arab Emirates through cooperation with imported companies in the field of agricultural business and security food in the country. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

عرض حول الفرص الاستثمارية المتاحة لدى جمهورية نامبيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Investment opportunities available in Republic of Namibia Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes information about investment opportunities available in some economic sectors in the Republic of Namibia, including the energy sector, agriculture, industry, real estate, and others. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment2 Yours sincerely,

إعلان عن التسجيل في مناقصة بشأن الطاقة المتجددة لدى جمهورية جنوب أفريقيا

السادة /أعضاء غرفة عجمان المحترمين تحية طيبة وبعد،،، الموضوع : إعلان عن التسجيل في مناقصة بشأن الطاقة المتجددة لدى جمهورية جنوب أفريقيا تهديكم غرفة تجارة وصناعة عجمان اطيب التحيات ويسرنا ان نرفق يسرنا أن خطاب وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي ، والمتضمن الإعلان عن التسجيل في المناقصة بشأن الطاقة المتجددة لدى جمهورية جنوب أفريقيا ، وذلك من خلال التسجيل عبر الرابط الإلكتروني أدناه: للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الإطلاع على المرفقات : مرفق 1 مرفق 2 وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الإحترام والتقدير،،،،

فرص استثمارية لدى جمهورية كازاخستان


فرص التعاون مع شركة هندية متخصصة في تصنيع مواد التعبئة والتغليف والملابس والأثاث في جمهورية الهند

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Opportunities for cooperation with an Indian company specialized in the manufacture of packaging materials, clothing and furniture in the Republic of India Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation regarding the desire of Prodo Technologies Pvt Ltd, specialized in manufacturing packaging materials, clothing and furniture in the Republic of India, to expand its business in the United Arab Emirates through cooperation with the concerned companies in the state. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

عرض حول الفرص الإستثمارية المتاحة لدى جمهورية داغستان

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Presentation on investment opportunities available in the Republic of Dagestan Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, along with the presentation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Dagestan, on the investment opportunities available in some economic sectors in the Republic of Dagestan, including the construction and building materials sector, coatings and paints, industries Leather, food industries, wool processing, pharmaceutical industries, industrial parks, and others. For more information, please see the attachments: Attachment 1 Yours sincerely,

منتدى الاستثمار السنوي الاثيوبي 2023

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the invitation received from the Ethiopian Investment Commission to participate in the second edition of the Ethiopian Investment Forum 2023, which will be held during 26-28 April 2023, in Addis Ababa - Ethiopia, under the slogan "Invest and Grow in Ethiopia: Land of attractive investment opportunities. Attachments: Aattached 1 Yours sincerely,

Invest in Brunei Darussalam

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject Invest in Brunei Darussalam: Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to enclose for you the investment guide booklet in Brunei Darussalam and the presentation project.

إعلان عن مناقصات دولية مطروحة من قبل حكومة موريشيوس

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Announcement of international tenders offered by the Government of Mauritius Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an announcement of the following tenders offered by the Government of Mauritius: • Procurement of a Secure Tobacco stamps with Accompanying Track and Trace System - Procurement Ref: MRA/OABSTAMPS/08/23. • Selection of Consultant for Managed Services for Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) -Procurement Ref: MHPQ/NMW&S/2022-2023/Q90. • Replacement of Fencing and minor works for the VSAT stations of St Brandon and Agalega - Procurement Ref: CAV/QUO/No.13 of /2022/23. For more information, please see the following link: Yours sincerely,

List of Tunisian establishments and companies exporting olive oil

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: List of Tunisian establishments and companies exporting olive oil Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes, which includes a list of Tunisian institutions and companies exporting olive oil. For more information, please see the attachments: Yours sincerely,

فرصة استثمارية للشراكة التجارية مع شركة Sawafuji Electric Co., Ltd اليابانية المتخصصة في مجال المولدات

After Greetings, Subject: An investment opportunity for a business partnership with Sawafuji Electric Co., Ltd., a Japanese company specialized in the field of generators Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach a letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on 20/2/2023, which includes information about an investment opportunity for a business partnership with the Japanese company Sawafuji Electric Co., Ltd. specialized in Generator field (diesel / gasoline). For more information, please see the website: Attachments: - The letter

إعلان عن مناقصة لتشغيل وصيانة ممر حاويات لدى جمهورية جنوب أفريقيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings ,,, Subject: Announcement of a tender for the operation and maintenance of a container corridor in the Republic of South Africa Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes the announcement of the tender submitted by Transnet in the Republic of South Africa, regarding the conclusion of a lease contract with the company to operate and maintain a container corridor for a period of 20 years. For more information, please see Please contact the advertiser through the following means: Mr. Russell Molokwane Tel: 00270313614986 Email: Website Yours sincerely,,,,

فرصة استثمارية في مجال سياحة الصيد - تنزانيا

To / Dear Members After Greetings ,,, Subject: An investment opportunity in the field of fishing tourism - Tanzania Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards. We are pleased to enclose a memorandum of the Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania in Abu Dhabi, which includes an invitation to national companies to invest in a protected area for hunting tourism and photography in Tanzania. Yours sincerely,,,,

استبيان استطلاع رأي المستثمرين حول البيئة الاستثمارية في دولة الامارات

Dear Valued Investor, Greetings from the Ministry of Economy ,,, Within the framework of the Ministry of Economy’s ongoing efforts in enhancing and developing the investment environment in the United Arab Emirates through effective partnerships with the Private sector in the country, we are delighted to make you a part of this questionnaire which aims to build a realistic perception related to the business and investment environment and the aspirations of investment community the UAE. We would also like to inform you that the information submitted in the questionnaire will be highly confidential. • Survey Link: We would like you kindly to submit the survey by no longer than Thursday December 8th 2022 develop the report identifying the development areas to support the UAE Competitiveness in Ease of Doing Business as well as the Investment Environment. Best Regards,

إعلان عن مناقصة دولية مطروحة من قبل حكومة موريشيوس

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Announcement of an international tender offered by the Government of Mauritius Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an announcement of the international tenders offered by the Government of Mauritius.

فرص الاستثمار من هيئة الحياة البرية في تنزانيا

Date: 21/11/2022 To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Investment Opportunities from the Tanzania Wildlife Authority Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the memorandum of the Tanzanian embassy in the country regarding investment opportunities from the Wildlife Authority in Tanzania. Yours sincerely,

إعلان عن مناقصة دولية لاستقطاب عروض لتنفيذ أشغال بناء طريق بالدار البيضاء - المملكة المغربية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Announcement of an international tender for the implementation of road construction works in Casablanca - Kingdom of Morocco Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an announcement of the request for the implementation of road construction works in Casablanca from the National Motorway Company in the Kingdom of Morocco. For more information and to download the file, please visit the company's website: Yours sincerely,

إعلان عن مناقصة دولية مطروحة من المكتب الوطني للكهرباء والماء الصالح للشرب بالمملكة المغربية

To / Dear Members After Greetings, Subject: Announcement of an international tender offered by the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water in the Kingdom of Morocco Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes an announcement of an international tender submitted by the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water in the Kingdom of Morocco, regarding the construction of a marine pipeline to drain the water of a desalination plant. For more information and to download the file, please visit the Moroccan Public Procurement Portal website via the following link: Yours sincerely,

Investment opportunities in agricultural technology and the aviation sector in the Russian Federation

To / Dear Members After Greetings ,,, Subject: Investment opportunities in agricultural technology and the aviation sector in the Russian Federation Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding the desire of the leading company ifarm in the field of agricultural technology and the leading company in the field of aviation Beond to cooperate with business owners and investors to establish investment projects.

طلب عروض متعلق بأشغال بناء طريق سيار بالمغرب

Date: 05/10/2022 After Greetings ,,, Subject: Request for tenders related to the road construction in Morocco The Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation regarding the request for tenders related to the road construction in Morocco.

العروض التجارية المقترحة من الشركات الكازاخستانية

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: Suggested business offers from Kazakhstani companies Ajman Chamber of Commerce & Industry presents you with the best regards, and we are pleased to enclose to you a letter containing a list of Kazakh companies requesting support in searching for partners and buyers for producers of Kazakh goods and services in the UAE.

The new investment charter for the Kingdom of Morocco

Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attached to you the letter that we received from the Ministry of Economy, which includes the new investment charter of the Kingdom of Morocco..

investment in the Republic of Poland

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject:investment in the Republic of Poland Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to enclose to you the special offers for investment cooperation in Poland ports, related to food security.

فرص استثمارية مع شركات تركية في مجالات الصناعة

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: Investment opportunities with Turkish companies in the fields of industry Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach information about investment opportunities with Turkish companies in the field of industry and attachments containing information about the following Turkish companies: ÇİNKOM. Emek elik Kapı. Kilim Mobilya A.S.. Erciyes Anadolu Holding A.Ş

المنتدى الإقتصادي الإماراتي - الأرميني

Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: UAE-Armenian Economic Forum In line with our aim to facilitate trade opportunities for the private sector, Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry is pleased to invite you to join a high-level trade delegation to the capital of Republic of Armenia “Yerevan “on Monday, 19th – Tuesday, 20th September, 2022. The objective of the trade delegation is to strengthen and enhance economic and trade relations between the two countries and explore business opportunities for the private sectors of United Arab Emirates and Republic of Armenia. The program of the delegation includes Emirati – Armenian Economic Forum and B2B meetings. The forum will focus on the sectors of Aviation, Logistics, Agriculture, Tourism, Water, Construction, Insurance, etc. For further information, please contact: - Mrs. Ayesha Alshehhi: 0501559255 - Mrs. Nahla Mhjoub: 0501684091 \ 042209199 - Email:

مقترح حكومة ولاية أوغن بجمهورية نيجيريا بشأن الشراكة الاستثمارية مع الدولة في مجال الأمن الغذائي والزراعة

To / Dear Members Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: Proposal of the Government of Ogun State in the Republic of Nigeria regarding investment partnership with the state in the field of food security and agriculture Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which includes the Nigerian government’s proposal to grant additional concessions to Emirati investments in Ogun State, Nigeria, in a number of economic sectors, especially in the field of agriculture and food security.

عرض شركات عُمانية بشأن التعاون مع الجهات والشركات الإماراتية

Greetings from Ajman Chamber,,, Subject: Omani companies offer to cooperate with Emirati authorities and companies The Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents you with its best regards, and we are pleased to attach to you the letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, regarding a request from some Omani companies to cooperate with investment companies in the country.

فرص الإستثمار في سلوفينيا


فرصة استثمارية في بيرو


المناقصات الدولية المطروحة من قبل حكومة موريشيوس


تمديد العرض الخاص بفرص الاستثمار في منطقة لفيف الاوكرانية